Sunday, May 5, 2013

Checking database access rights for a user in a sqlserver instance

There was a recent requirement in one of my projects to check the access for particular user in all the databases in a server. Thought of sharing the script used through the blog for quick reference.
 The solution makes use of HAS_DBACCESS function available in SQL Server. The script would be as below

SELECT name, CASE HAS_DBACCESS(name) WHEN 1 THEN 'Has Access' ELSE 'No Access' END AS Access
FROM sys.databases

The catalog view sys.databases will have a record for each database within the instance. The above script will give as the output a list of databases with their access information based on result HAS_DBACCESS returns. It will return 1 for all databases accessible to current user and 0 otherwise.
The system databases can be filtered by adding a condition such as below to get only the user databases information.

SELECT name, CASE HAS_DBACCESS(name) WHEN 1 THEN 'Has Access' ELSE 'No Access' END AS Access
FROM sys.databases
WHERE  name NOT IN ('master','tempdb','model','msdb')
AND name NOT LIKE 'ReportServer%'


  1. Thanks Visakh.
    IT will tell about only Databases but how you tell which user for which database?

  2. The given code will check for the access right in various databases in a server for the current logged in user. As you see HAS_DBACCESS() doesnt have a passed argument so it will always use current logged in user as the context.
